Ubunutu server oscam help please!

There are 32 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 4,429 times. The last Post () by master G.

  • Hello people.....

    2 ago i had never used linux or ever read about it, Fast forward two days and i have Ubuntu Server running on a dedicated pc.

    My setup
    3.2 pentium dual core with 2gb ram
    omnikey card reader -

    So I started following the tutorial http://linuxsat-support.com/li…-1-3-install-package.html but half way down I i decided on using this Tutorial - Ubuntu x32/x64 - Automated Oscam only Install Package as i only wanted oscam, now after a bit of research apparently this is not a good idea for a newbie (i only want to share my sly uk sub with a handful of friends about 10 of them, i will have the only card. Anyway I did all that, signed up with dyndns and followed the tutorial to install this onto my server. My webif is working, i have changed the password and port etc.....

    This is where im at. What is my next step, how would i know everything i have done so far is good or working? Or do i go back and install the auto oscam and cccam script for the plan that i have to share my sub wuth 10 friends? If everything is ok what do i do next? I have the beginners guide to n lines and clines but to be hones tit makes no sense whatsoever. Im totally stumped now......no clue whatsoever.....

    I have added the text of webif as i have no clue on how to pull logs that i have seen in other threads? I can post any log you want to see if you tell me which command to input?

    Sorry for going on and on but im totally lost .....

    23:33:32 OSCAM 1.10rc-svn build 6481
    hide Thread ID Type ID Label AU Crypted Address Port Protocol Login Online CAID:SRVID Current Channel LB Value/ Reader Idle Status
    Hide B265700 s 0 root 0 server 03.03.13 23:06:11 00:27:21 0000:0000 00:27:21 OK
    Hide B257700 h 1 root 0 http 03.03.13 23:06:11 00:27:21 0000:0000 00:01:56 OK
    Readers 0/1
    Hide 93E5700 r 1 #mysmartcardreader ON OFF 0 mouse 0000:0000 no data 00:27:21 UNKNOWN (no entitlements)

  • I will copy and paste my oscam configs. The problem is I have never done anything to my configs. That's what I'm stuck on. I wanted to be sure everything else I have done is right. I will sort the configs out and then post them.

  • Try these:




    You then give your mates a cline. In the example above, it would be:

    C: yourdydns.org 12345 testuser1 test1

    If you connect via the webif, you can simply cut and paste these settings into that. Just click"files" then the file you want to edit ie oscam.conf, paste it in, and hit save. Dont forget to replace ***uk in these settings with something of your choice (this site automatically removes the letter s and k and y when placed together ;) )
    If your omnikey reader is working, it will show "CARDOK" as its status.

    Hope this helps?

  • Thanks i copied and pasted your files using winscp.
    I changed a few things.
    I checked webif and it states "CARDOK" (8 entitlements) under LB Value/ Reader it states "no data"
    i made up a test line like you said and tried it with my siderbox7000 hd and it does not work.
    In webif when i click on users it states offline.
    I added a few other little bits in oscam.config for newcamd but again same thing, user offline. Im not even sure i did this right.
    This is the title in my webif OSCAM 1.10rc-svn build 6481
    This is what i have installed on my server http://linuxsat-support.com/li…only-install-package.html

    I have left the user and password as test like you said just to make it easier for myself.
    Where i have put **** i have removed my server ip and user name etc but this is filled in on my proper files.

    Here is a copy and paste of my 3 files. What seems to be wrong?


    # oscam.conf generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.10rc-svn build #6481
    # Read more: gmc.to - Informationen zum Thema satellite tv.

    logfile = /var/local/oscam.log
    cachedelay = 60
    nice = -1
    maxlogsize = 500
    preferlocalcards = 1
    saveinithistory = 1
    readerrestartseconds = 4
    lb_mode = 10
    lb_savepath = /var/local/loadbalance.log

    hideclient_to = 15
    appendchaninfo = 0

    port = 12345@0963:000000
    serverip = 192.168.1.***
    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    allowed =

    port = 12345
    reshare = 2
    version = 2.1.3

    httpport = ****
    httpuser = *****
    httppwd = *****
    httpallowed =



    label = ***uk
    protocol = pcsc
    device = /dev/ttyUSB0
    caid = 0963
    boxkey = XXXXXX #whatever your boxkey is, although oscam doesn't appear to need this?
    detect = cd
    mhz = 357
    cardmhz = 357
    ident = 0963:000000
    group = 1
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    blockemm-u = 0
    blockemm-s = 0
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    blockemm-g = 1
    saveemm-u = 1
    saveemm-s = 1
    lb_weight = 101


    # oscam.user generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.10rc-svn build #6481
    # Read more: gmc.to - Informationen zum Thema satellite tv.

    user = testuser1
    pwd = test1
    group = 1
    uniq = 2
    monlevel = 1
    au = ***uk
    services = *** digital (uk)
    caid = 0963
    ident = 0963:000000

    user = testuser2
    pwd = test2
    group = 1
    au = ***uk
    cccmaxhops = 2
    cccreshare = 0

    user = testuser3
    pwd = test3
    group = 1
    au = ***uk
    cccmaxhops = 2

    user = test1
    pwd = test2
    group = 1,2
    monlevel = 0
    au = 1
    services = *** digital (uk)
    caid = 0963

    Can you please tell me any other commands that produce logfiles i can run and then copy and paste here so you guys can take a look???

    Thanks again people for your help. I cant be to far from getting it running can i ?

  • I will have a look when I get home. On my webif it does say cardok and 8 entitlements

    You wont open much with that mate, channel 5hd and not much else.

  • That's fine. I just want it to work then can get a card with full subscription. What's wring with my files is the question

  • Steve67474 has a point with his post. This is the bit that applies to you:

    Ubuntu way:

    sudo apt-get install opensc pcscd libccid
    Next command:

    nano /etc/opensc/opensc.conf
    And change these lines by removing # from in front of them, and editing the other lines.

    reader_drivers = pcsc, ctapi; (there are two instances of ctapi, edit the second one to look like this)

    try_emulation_first = yes; (I think this is just removing the hash #)

    lock_login = false; (this is set to true, change it to false as it is here)

    provider_library = /lib/libpcsclite.so.1 (this line needs editing to add /lib/ in front of it, just enter it as it is here)

    If that is done hit from keyboard ctrl+o and enter, then ctrl+x to exit

    Next give command:

    opensc-tool ?list-readers
    And you should see your reader there present like so, but with your reader info. Examlpe:

    Readers known about:
    Nr. Driver Name
    0 pcsc Omnikey 1020

    How to disable pcscd never ending loggin to /var/log/messages what can write your /var partion full after some time.
    Please enter next commands under putty or over terminal command line as root:
    nano /etc/init.d/pcscd

    There look next lines:
    # if you need to pass arguments to pcscd you should edit the file
    # /etc/default/pcscd and add a line
    # DAEMON_ARGS=??your-option?

    And please change it to:
    # if you need to pass arguments to pcscd edit to:
    # /etc/default/pcscd and add a line
    And hit from the keyboard ctrl+o and enter to save the changes and ctrl+x to exit

    Next command to restart pcsc:
    /etc/init.d/pcscd restart
    Done. No more log from pcsc except start up log if you restart the PC and if there is error

    It appears that your card is reading, as it is showing some entitlements. Do the stuff above, just to make sure it is doing it properly.

    Next question is, how are you trying to connect. What device have you entered the cline into (ie dreambox), and where is it located (ie on the bench next to the server, or in your mates house down the road on a different network).
    Have you allowed the port you set for cccam in the oscam.config settings through your router if you are trying to connect someone from a different address?

  • Thanks for all your help but please bear with me ..........I have looked at the file opensc.conf but could not find the file reader_drivers = pcsc, ctapi; . I even opened up the config file using winscp and used the find function once in edit mode and i could still not find it.

  • As soon as i am done i will copy and post my open.sc file so you can see that the line reader_drivers = pcsc, ctapi; is not present. I will do it one step at a time this time because i have reinstalled ubuntu server 4 times now lol. I dont mind really as i can now install it with my eyes closed lol.

  • All done, Now here is the opensc.config file i have copied and pasted it.

  • I would really appreciate it if someone could take a look for me. Apart from the reader_drivers = pcsc, ctapi; line i can find the other three
    try_emulation_first = yes;

    lock_login = false;

    provider_library = /lib/libpcsclite.so.1

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