Protect your s@y italia card !!!!!!

There are 108 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 38,965 times. The last Post () by azuwanautogas.

  • Is very convincing that right after update on original decoder can receive a backdor which once is dropped on linux and from here starts to decay card till it comes to 9995 error.
    Cause almost all have closed emm and there is no way to receive them.
    And they use only once this backdoor cause can not leave traces on pc.
    But i`m convinced that it resides all the time in card if you use that always on its box.
    When in linux it goess off the card and start its 'porcheria italiana' to make card 9995 or 6.
    I belive that once updated the card if read with a phoenix this backdoor can be read and analysed and few lines in oscam are needed to erase this backdoor once initalizing card saving it from the block

    Do you know if cards that start with 0001 or 0002 are less affected than latest with 0003? I read about 0001s are stonger....

  • No emu can stop 9996 all of them kill the card


    you need to get the OSCAM source, and to make your own Oscam version without any EMM - G,U,B ,and NANO , support inside.

    Provider SXY decided to replace the card to NDS 4 during this year, that has a new secure memory near CPU- and will protect better the written inside EEProm.
    process will be ended until 2014. { always in may , June, they send this Nano EMM, to attack the cards, in sharing}
    this memory - is develop for security
    AT88SC0104C、AT88SC0204C、AT88SC0404C、AT88SC0808C 、AT88SC1616C、AT88SC3216C、AT88SC6416C、AT88SC12816C、AT88SC25616C
    produce in China, and very High tech

    ALL OSCAM have - a gate inside to accept NANO- soo, provider use this backdoor ,to block your cards.{ I think that is a pack between developer of soft Oscam, and TV provider- unofficial, or they make this mistake in program mistake....but I belive they made this on puurpose ]
    the solution is a new OSCAM version , made by you, and to eject EMM functions. please start, not lose time?
    Italian forums, cut this info out-- only to help Italian provider- to change the NDS 3 in NDS 4 more easy- and to let the provider to have control on last version of Oscam, and to keep control on users of cards with OTA update. ( with this back door) they can block the cards, in Sharing , when they want.

    first are attacked the users from Sharing ( special Oscam users}, after , that they will sent the nano EMM to affect also cards in official box-- to replace the cards from normal ( correct ) user that have the card ONLY in official box. { this will be in last phase]
    I hope I was helpful
    solution, is special OScam{homemade], or try different EMU {Sbox}

  • can prepaid cards be locked ?

    YES, is the same card like, {abonament} subscription for month

    after the error 99XX, the provider replaces the prepaid card?
    Please report only direct information

    after the card is blocked- with 999x, they will not replace the card anymore.
    you lose the subscription for the remaining period.

  • God, you're been really helpfull!Thank you very much!:D So should I just recompile oscam from the source without emm's shit! And what's about others emus, they have this back door?

  • opps I read now about Sbox. But I think Sbox is harder to use with our beloved smartreaders.... I didn't found in the forum a way to configure it.... Now I'm trying to recompile oscam with simple build (I'm a noob in programming) but I don't know wich module should I disable. Any advice?

  • you can start with all.
    or call *** center ,and ask them, what they recommend, my dear friend from Italy.
    or call this guys - Thor II, and Deltafox , and Maseitexan- and ask them,
    you are very new here, I see.....and a very good programmer. success.

  • you can start with all.
    or call *** center ,and ask them, what they recommend, my dear friend from Italy.
    or call this guys - Thor II, and Deltafox , and Maseitexan- and ask them,
    you are very new here, I see.....and a very good programmer. success.

    My dear friend I really apprecciate your sarcasm... Programming isn't my field and neither IT. So sorry if my questions look so stupid for you, but I think that forum's purpose is to help people also if they are "stupid", at least give them a little help to understand something in a newfield where they just arrived. I'm just trying to learn, you're not constrained to help me. If you want help me, at least showing what I can do for helping (like exchange logs from cards) fine,otherwise I will not cry. There's a life over computer's stuff mate, that's a success!

  • opps I read now about Sbox. But I think Sbox is harder to use with our beloved smartreaders.... I didn't found in the forum a way to configure it.... Now I'm trying to recompile oscam with simple build (I'm a noob in programming) but I don't know wich module should I disable. Any advice?


    Originally Posted by yinyang
    the solution is a new OSCAM version , made by you, and to eject EMM functions.

    Oscam developers say that is nonsense

    together we grow - ferdi

  • I'm going to have my say here. If you ask me these are all rumors that have no substantiation. Until somebody starts posting logs with proof then to be honest i'll take everything with a pinch of Salt.

    Nobody seems to realise the basic problem here. Since OSCam is open source there is nothing to stop software engineers at NDS finding out how OSCam works and how to change the way which ever NDS card responds and reacts in order to change the card so it doesn't work properly with OSCam.

    Its cat and mouse. NDS will do something and the emu developers will do something to counteract it, just the same as when the OSCam developers do something NDS will then react with countermeasures. Its hardly rocket science, all these companies are doing is trying to protect their revenue and their jobs :shtf:

    I bet those lot at NDS Cisco are loving reading all these theories which if anything are probably just giving them ideas :laugh:

  • last new here:
    on HD - provider put online a new Mpeg4 codec
    to run the HD programs { on official box or in other box } , you will need a Update of your card ROM- sent by provider- to your serial of card and box { this can be like a marriage system }
    {if you have the ROM intact- before ROM update you still can see the programs in HD}
    now they change the rule
    in every 3 months- they update the Nano info in EEprom
    this is for abonament subscription
    I will tell you a story
    I was 3 weeks gone, in a trip and
    the card was out from original box
    and also out from DM

    after I came back from trip, I test the card in original box, and surprise-- 999x without any update!!!! the EEprom info was the same when I left.
    provider change in this 3 weeks the Nano info and I miss the update because I was gone
    this EMM Nano is sent only 1 time to all the cards { global update } { and if you miss this update, your card will get 999x , without any modification inside the EEprom }
    soo if you have the card total protected- you will miss this Global update for NAno - and your card will get 999x- because is not updated to next day emission !!! signal that is broadcasting.
    ok what is the solution?to this new problem?
    1. to keep the card in original box- and to capture ALL the TIME, all the updates that provider sent to our card
    2. to start capture the EMM, each day, and to make a data base with this EMM, and put in online, to share servers.
    sort this folders of LOG , by date, and frecence .
    in this EMM data base, you can find the EMM in future = suitable to your card, and also EMM nano, and EMM for Mpeg update for HD programs.
    you only need to know what you are searching , in the folder,... according to your serial, or a special Len {INS}
    this will be a start that can help everyone, in future.
    you will find several method of capture.
    PS: this new rule, with frequent update- is made to force you to keep card in official box, and to eliminate illegal activated card.

  • Please feel free to try your solutions to this Yingyang, we look forward to seeing your results. Please don't think i'm being pessimistic but with all the things that are floating about its hard to say who is right and who is wrong. How do we know you do or don't work for NDS, simple answer to that is that we don't know, we have to take anything said with a pinch of salt until we know otherwise.

    Its pretty much obvious that eventually CS is going to stop and i dare say NDS will be the people to do it. If 5ky or 5ky Italia goes off its not the end of the world, there are other providers out there which deliver programming of equal quality.

    Things are starting to go down the IPTV route anyway, so even if they do stop CS, it will just go down that route instead.

    Its just going to be cat and mouse like it always has been. To me its what keeps the hobby interesting. If you go to seriously into it ceases to be hobby and becomes an obsession.

    Being obsessive about anything is not good for you.


    Edited 4 times, last by nano ().

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