Posts by Lululla

    remove it :don-t mention it:

    the global name "runningcam" is declared in plugin source .. strange, no have erro on my box


    global runningcam

    nunningcam = foo_baa


    from ..plugin import runningcam

    :frowning face:

    if reboot /tmp is cleaned ;)

    To do this we would have to create a config line in the plugin, if feasible, and the renderers would have to import it. I don't know how effective it is for skins that use my modified renderers and various poster plugins. If you just want temp I can give you some make d change or tell you what to change. but be careful.. The box must have memory for this

    if you want open renderer poster / bacposter with Notepad++ (no notepad win or other)

    find line

    if os.path.isdir("/media/hdd"):
            path_folder = "/media/hdd/poster/"
    elif os.path.isdir("/media/usb"):
            path_folder = "/media/usb/poster/"
    elif os.path.isdir("/media/mmc"):
            path_folder = "/media/mmc/poster/"
            path_folder = "/tmp/poster/"
    if not os.path.isdir(path_folder):

    anr rewrite with this

    path_folder = "/tmp/poster/"
    if not os.path.isdir(path_folder):

    But I didn't mean to offend you, you didn't give these details before :)


    you can't change. It's programmed like this, after a few days you delete the old PNG based on the date. No you are ever happy, some want it red, some yellow, some green, :) ahahaha

    odem2014 Hi, congratulations on your work and passion. I wonder how it is possible to set a different directory for saving posters now those who don't have an external SD or HDD don't allow saving

    Don't worry, I had planned this too and for those who don't have a devise the posters and backdrops will go in /tmp

    if os.path.isdir("/media/hdd"):
            path_folder = "/media/hdd/poster/"
    elif os.path.isdir("/media/usb"):
            path_folder = "/media/usb/poster/"
    elif os.path.isdir("/media/mmc"):
            path_folder = "/media/mmc/poster/"
            path_folder = "/tmp/poster/"
    if not os.path.isdir(path_folder):

    ok.. i have a solution for me



    english please..

    /ba is for multiboot image

    it's possible that it's a false positive, but not being sure, I'll leave it Thanks anyway,

    I didn't mean to offend your work, and frankly, I don't care what other users put in their boxes

    Mine wasn't a whine anyway, I just wanted to be reassured

    thank's a lot