Posts by zayden

    DM900 clone the image is installed in Barry Allen. Everything works fine except I have no FTP. Password has been changed via the menu, telnet works as does SSH.

    The problem is I can't use Echannelizer or Dreambox Edit as they use ftp.

    Any suggestions as to what's happening ?

    The resulting xml file does not seem to be compatible with any media players. Tried on my android box and vlc on my pc.

    Not sure what the purpose of generating that file is actually for.

    Ok thanks that's good information on how to make an .m3u from the channels on the box will have to do some research on how to tweak from there.

    Another thing I would like to be able to do is make my Bouquet list automatically mirror the service list. I can of course do it with the remote control (green button-green button-menu-copy to bouquets) but how does one call the functions the box uses by way of a script ?

    Ok so that worked but took somewhere between 25 to 30 minutes to produce both tv and radio files.

    Openwebif is not as snappy as it should be so this might be causing the extended processing times. I presume it shouldn't take nearly that long ?

    It seems the list is prepared in alphabetical order by 'tvg-name' instead of by satellite as retrieved by the 'AJAX' command why is that ?

    Also many channels have multiple entries instead of the single entry one would find when using the webif. The entries are not identical of course maybe they are for alternate audio streams and such ?

    This repeats presumably 2671 times there's so many I'm not about to count to be certain lol.

    I looked up line 45 in your script but it's over my head. Any ideas ?

    Thanks for that after installing python-unixadmin Openwebif appeared to install normally however when accessing the webif at port 90 I am getting a traceback page:

    exceptions.UnboundLocalError: local variable 'terminal_key' referenced before assignment

    Any idea what that might be about ?

    When installing with dpkg you should always use this command so all dependency packages are installed automatic

    In your case just run the last apt-get command to fix it

    dpkg -i /tmp/*.deb && apt-get install -f

    Exact same thing

    If you're still around...

    I tried installing this on Dream-Elite 6.0 (I know I know but it really is most stable...) and I get an error about missing package python-unixadmin.

    I can't find that package or any info about it anywhere is there anything I can do or have I done something wrong that can be corrected ?

    Oh nevermind I see this won't work in Dream-Elite as it's meant for Openwebif not Webinterface. I don't believe there is similar command for Webinterface.

    I will see about installing Openwebif.

    I changed 'PREFIX' to the ip of the sat receiver and ftp'd the script to /tmp and changed permissions to 755 then ran the script from a terminal logged into the box.

    root@dm900:/tmp# ./
    wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    TV Services
    Total number of services: 0
    wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    Radio Services
    Total number of services: 0
    root@dm900:/tmp# ./

    What did I do wrong ?

    Can this box spit out an .m3u8 of all channels to any networked device asking for it ?

    Export M3U here, and then use vlc or other playback tools to play on computers on the same LAN

    Ok I'm aware of this method however it must be repeated every time a scan is done because the previous .m3u will not reflect the new channels. Needlessly inefficient.

    It would be much better for this to happen automatically by connecting to the ip address of the box at some port and having the box reply with a usable m3u.

    In other words if box receives a query at 'boxip:someport' shortcut to Export M3U Playlist but over network.

    Please add this feature.