[Plugin] VPN Manager

There are 575 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 172,035 times. The last Post () by montilla.

  • No, I didn't get any error message. I am able to install and run the plugin for the first time, but then my network configuration wont work anymore.

  • Ok Salomaoa. I can help you here. well I hope .

    You might have to wipe the image clean and start again

    Do you have your user name password and credentials in the plugin? we could try and adjust it without formatting.

    Try this

    in network adapter settings change use dhcp to off


    Full reboot

    check the dhcp is still off then

    in the etc folder - right click on resolvconf file - delete the text and paste in place the text below (including the # Generated by resolvconf line and all the nameservers)

    # Generated by resolvconf





    Save the file then right click and very importantly press refresh by right clicking on a file in etc folder

    Then delete the resolvconf.conf file (not resolvconf) (if listed).

    Next is very important!!!

    Telnet chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf (this saves the file or else the nameservers might not save properly).


    Check network nameserver settings have the new nameserver settings in.

    Then check plugin has the same nameservers

    Go into network and check

    If unsuccessful we will take the longer route. Rhurbarb

  • Hi,

    After many hours I installed new clean image - newnigma2 - dreambox 800se (original).

    The plugin now is installed and opens without errors. However I can't connect either in TCP or UDP. Can someone please see the log and give me some help?

    I also notice that with telnet command /tmp/init.d/openvpn stop the process does not stop! Verifying the log it is always in loop trying to connect.

    Update: with another provider it has already connection

    Edited once, last by nicoda: Update ().

  • So you have it working ok now? Rhurbarb

  • Yes is currently working with a provider. I will test others as soon as I have some free time

  • Hi, I have been trying to get openvpn working on my Vu Duo 4kse running the latest openvix and have tried just about every method I can find without any success although I can see openvpn, my nordvpn config opvn files, my user/password file using ftp. Having no luck with that I have also tried to install vpn manager 1.1.7 as an ipk several times and for some reason it won't install, showing this error /bin/sh:c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token '('

    Can anyone identify the issue from this?

    Alternatively is there a step by step guide to setting up openvpn using nordvpn configs for openvix?

    Thanks as always for any help

  • master G

    Added the Label VPN Manager
  • Thanks for the suggestion Master G, I thought that I was making progress, having used the telnet command I can see the files using ftp and went looking to see if I could find a folder to add username and password rather than trying to type from a remote control but I couldn't. So I went to the Vu and looked for the plugin itself and I get this message

    Warning Some plugins are not available: Extensions/Nordvpnconnector/no module named 'plugins.extensions.nordvpnconnector. plugin'

    I've tried rebooting, any ideas?


    After further reading could the problem be that nordvpnconnector is not compatible with python 3?

  • Hi Colleagues,

    I have successfully configured the OpenVPN client, but what I discovered is that I am not able to populate HBBTV streams while the client is active. When client is off all streams work with no issues. Does anyone have any idea what rule needs to be created in .conf file to allow the traffic? I am interested in HBBTV services provided by rtve.es, ard.de, zdf.de, tvn.pl, ceskatelevize.cz.

  • Hi Colleagues,

    I have successfully configured the OpenVPN client, but what I discovered is that I am not able to populate HBBTV streams while the client is active. When client is off all streams work with no issues. Does anyone have any idea what rule needs to be created in .conf file to allow the traffic? I am interested in HBBTV services provided by rtve.es, ard.de, zdf.de, tvn.pl, ceskatelevize.cz.

    HBBTV is catchup TV I take it. If it is I am watching ZDF using a German Vpn Address. UK here. Does any other plugin work which needs a vpn address? Rhurbarb

  • All seem to work normally without being affected by VPN, IPTV works, other online services too, the only exception is HBBTV services, that are not passing through :(

    As long as you see a new address when you click a vpn connection. some light up green but doesn't show an ip address. This caught me out. my config file shows

    # Generated by resolvconf





    But if you don't install a certain way it will show but the vpn servers dont work properly but if your showing an address and green on the vpn then I am guessing it's something to do with the image your using. Running openpli 7.3 image here on a Vu receiver. Rhurbarb

    Edited 2 times, last by rhurbarb ().

  • Yes I did notice on openatv forums wireguard installation possible , but with vpn manager only .deb

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