Oscam Icam TVHeadend

There are 308 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 91,289 times. The last Post () by damyaugust.

  • hello guys i need your help unfortunately it doesn't work for me i need a good introduction write how to, i have ubuntu 18.04 with tbs card have tried everything but no warning unfortunately doesn't work :-(

    and I don't know if my tvheadend is patched or not I need help I've formatted it now and I don't know what to do anymore

  • I am completely at a loss... Who can explain me this miracle.

    I compiled and installed the tvheadend docker according to Chris230291 description. TVH is running fine. But to watch the HD channels I need to run oscam in a docker, right? Where can I download the special version of oscam-docker and how the heck can I configure and connect the two containers? I know I have a lot of reading to do, that's not the problem. Maybe one of you gentlemen has a link to a good source?

    I'm new to the sat topic. Sorry if I'm interrupting you.

  • I have a Docker image for Ncam here https://github.com/Chris230291/NCam-Docker

    Here is a plain OSCAM Docker image (which mine is based on) https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-oscam

    theALHU has a TVH image he maintains here TVHeadend Docker Image with ICAM Support x64 and ARMv7 (PI 4 & 3b+)

    You should connect them using the DVBAPI like this


    The DVBAPI listen port should be exposed -p 9001:9001 when you create the docker container if not using host networking mode.


    user                          = tvheadend
    pwd                           = tvheadend
    monlevel                      = 4
    au                            = 1
    group                         = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,64
    max_connections               = 99



  • Chris230291

    Thank you for your support. Unfortunately, I am too stupid for this. I created your ncam docker. Then I put the ncam.conf and ncam.user in ...data/ncam/ folder. The docker is running and is accessible via port 8181.

    After that I mounted theALHU has a TVH image in docker. Here I can also access TVH.


    But the HD-Channels are still black. What am I doing wrong? Where is my thinking error? Your instructions are foolproof but I still can't do it. Thanks for your help.

    Here my ncam log:

    Edited 2 times, last by depp1 ().

  • "NCAM" in TVH is :check mark button: so it is connected.

    What does the oscam/ncam log say in the web ui when you try to watch an encrypted channel?

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